Hong Kong Certification Centre and Korea Testing and Research Institute – MOU Signing

【27 March 2024, Guangdong, China】 Hong Kong Certification Centre (HKCC), a subsidiary of Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Korea Testing and Research Institute (KTR). KTR’s president and a delegation of top management from Korea attended the signing ceremony held in STC (Guangdong).

The MOU is related to the cooperation and exchange in three major fields, including the biodegradability-related testing and certification, the ECO-related testing and certification, as well as the technical information exchange and business promotion. In addition to signing the MOU, the delegation also visited the laboratories of STC (Guangdong). They deeply admired STC's leading testing techniques and sophisticated testing equipment, and expressed that they would work closely with STC and HKCC to foster business development in testing and certification.

About HKCC
Hong Kong Certification Centre (HKCC) was established in 1998. It is a certification body under the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC), providing one-stop certification services to help clients obtain the certifications to enter local and overseas markets in a convenient, time-saving and cost-effective way. HKCC is the only China’s National Certification Body (NCB) in Hong Kong that has joined the IEC System for Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components, and is qualified to issue CB certificates. For more information about HKCC, please visit the website:www.hk-cc.hk/en.

About STC
Established in 1963, Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, providing over 60 years of testing, inspection, and certification expertise. It offers a wide range of conformity assessment services for myriad products including Toys, Children’s Products, Textiles, Apparel, Footwear, Furniture, Electrical and Electronic Products, Food, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products, Medical Devices, and PCBs as well as Rail Transit and Automotive Parts. To meet the growing global demand for testing and certification services, not only has STC set up cutting-edge testing laboratories and offices in China’s major regions, such as Guangdong, Shanghai, Changzhou and Guangxi, but it has also established offices and testing laboratories in Vietnam, Japan, the USA and Germany. Simultaneously, STC is expanding its business scale to offer comprehensive, professional testing and inspection services to clients from all sectors. For more details about STC, please visit our website: www.stc.group

Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre and Hong Kong Certification Centre 2023 Certificate Award Ceremony cum Product Safety Carnival

You are cordially invited to Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre (STC) andHong Kong Certification Centre (HKCC) 2023 Certificate Award Ceremony cum Product Safety Carnival.

The theme of this event is to enhance public awareness of product safety and promote the importance of safety certification. The highlight of the 7-day carnival will be the 2023 Certificate Award Ceremony, which willbe held at 4 p.m – 6 p.m, 29th May 2023 (Monday). A key government official is invited to present certificates to companies who have successfully obtained the certification.

Additionally, STC will appoint two well-known artists as the new ambassadors. The safety ambassadors will not only perform on-site and interact with the audience, but also promote product safety messages together with STC and HKCC.

The details of the Ceremony are as follows:

Date: 29th May 2023 (Monday)

Venue: Citywalk, 1 & 18 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong

Time: 4 p.m – 6 p.m

To celebrate this annual event and our subscribers’ achievements in product safety, we would like to extend to you our warmest invitation to attend this ceremony and to thank you once again for your ardent support of the Hong Kong Certification Centre. We look forward to seeing you.

Should you have any enquiry, please contact Ms. Eunice Chiu at +852 2661 2083, or email to eunicechiu@stc.group. You could also fax to +852 2661 3181.

深圳 Microtest 獲國際 IECEE 認可 成 HKCC 旗下的 CB 實驗室 (CBTL)

【香港,2022 年 10 月 5 日】 STC (香港標準及檢定中心) 之附屬機構 —— 香港認証中心 (HKCC) 是香港特別行政區唯一能簽發國際電子電機委員會 (IECEE) CB 証書的認証機構。除以往的家用電器、電腦及通訊設備、燈具等產品類別,現在我們正式獲得了電池產品 IEC 62133 標準的 CB 認証範圍,提供專業的 CB 認証服務,協助供應商將電池產品推廣到 CB 體系近 60 個成員國。

與此同時,深圳市微測檢測有限公司 (Microtest) 正式獲得 IECEE 的認可,成為本中心旗下的CB 實驗室 (CBTL),為電腦及通訊設備、電池等產品提供專業的 CB 檢測服務。

IECEE CB 體系是國際電子電機委員會電工產品合格測試與認証組織,基於相互承認電工產品的測試証書互認體系。各國的國家認証機構 (National Certification Body ,簡稱“ NCB ”) 成立多邊協議,互相承認對方以國際電工委員會 (IEC) 標準為基礎頒發的 CB 証書和 CB 測試報告。目前全球有近 60 個成員國家 (Member Bodies),80 多個 NCB 參與 CB 體系。

製造商可以憑 HKCC 所頒發的 CB 証書和 CB 測試報告獲得 CB 體系的其他成員國的國家認証,如該成員國的國家標準與 IEC 標準有差異,只需補回國家差異測試,便可獲完全接受。這是真正電工產品安全檢測結果全球性的互認體系。

關於 STC
STC (香港標準及檢定中心) 成立於 1963 年,是一間獨立、非牟利的測試、檢驗及認証機構。STC 提供廣泛的專業符合性評估服務,涵蓋玩具、兒童產品、紡織、服裝、鞋類、家具、電子及電氣產品、醫療器械、食品、化學品及藥品。為迎合全球各地對檢測認証服務的需求,STC 分別於東莞、上海、常州、廣西、黑龍江等主要城市或地區成立分公司。此外,亦於越南、日本、美國及德國設有測試實驗室及辦事處,不斷擴大規模並拓展業務,力求為各行各業提供全面專業的檢測服務。

更多關於 STC 及 HKCC 的資訊,請瀏覽我們的網站:www.stc.group 及www.hk-cc.hk。

戴小姐 (Angel Tai) 電話:+852 2666 1813 電郵:angeltai@stc.group

黎先生 (Paul Lai) 電話:+852 2666 5946 電郵:paullai@stc.group

2022 香港傑出服務認証計劃 (美容業) 證書頒發典禮成功舉辦

今日由香港美容業總會舉辦的「2022香港傑出服務認証計劃 (美容業) 證書頒發典禮」假香港灣仔會議展覽中心成功舉辦。STC (香港標準及檢定中心) 業務拓展及合規總監李德耀博士應邀出席並發表致辭。

是次典禮於灣仔會議展覽中心三樓舉辦,出席典禮的嘉賓有自由黨主席及立法會 (批發及零售業) 議員邵家輝JP、香港美容業標準評級機構 (BISO) 會長葉世雄先生、香港美容業總會會長鐘國斌先生、香港美容業總會第八、九屆執行委員會主席陳秀儀校長。各位主禮嘉賓先後致辭,隨後分別向 26 間美容機構頒發由香港認証中心發出的香港傑出服務認証計劃證書,以表揚其過往為消費者提供的優質服務。

期間,李德耀博士發表致辭,向總會會員、業界及公眾介紹「香港傑出服務認証計劃」理念以及香港認証中心之服務。香港認証中心 (HKCC) 成立於1998年,為 STC 旗下一所獨立的認証機構,一直以來透過一站式服務,讓商戶或業界為其產品及服務取得所需認証,以拓展本地或海外市場。除了「香港傑出服務認証計劃」外,HKCC更推出「香港安全標誌」、「香港製造標誌」、「香港綠色標誌」及「香港優質「正」印標誌」計劃。接受認證的產品範圍包括:電器及電子產品,電燈及照明用品,影音器材,資訊科技產品,電線配件,玩具及兒童產品,嬰兒用品,食品,中成藥,化妝品,個人衛生用品,醫療用品,工商業儀器,傢俱,個人防護裝備及其他受香港產品安全法例監管的產品。產品認証服務已獲中國合格評定國家認可委員會 (CNAS) 及香港認可處 (HKAS) 認可,香港機電工程署 (EMSD) 認可核證團體 (RCB) ,同時亦是國際電子電機委員會的國家認証機構 (National Certification Body,簡稱 "NCB")。

優質服務是香港美容業界及商界一向引以為傲的經營標準,而「香港傑出服務認証計劃」是給予具有良好服務質素的服務提供者,包括分銷、零售、供應商等作出肯定的一個計劃。評定有關服務的優劣主要透過神秘顧客及市場調查,使服務提供者能有效及客觀地管理或審視其服務重點,例如:員工表現、商舖陳設、營運效率、購物環境等。符合資格的公司或機構可獲頒發香港傑出服務證書,以茲識別。另外,這計劃可提升美容行業的整體服務質素,有助減少企業面對的售後服務問題和顧客投訴,加強行業在市場上的聲譽。由2013 年推出此計劃,至今為止已有9年,香港認証中心已頒發5,098張證書予合資格的公司或機構。


STC (香港標準及檢定中心) 成立於 1963 年,是一間獨立、非牟利的測試、檢驗及認証機構。STC 提供廣泛的專業符合性評估服務,涵蓋玩具、兒童產品、紡織、服裝、鞋類、家具、電子及電氣產品、醫療器械、食品、化學品及藥品。為迎合全球各地對檢測認証服務的需求,STC 分別於東莞、上海、常州、廣西、黑龍江等主要城市或地區成立分公司。此外,亦於越南、日本、美國及德國設有測試實驗室及辦事處,不斷擴大規模並拓展業務,力求為各行各業提供全面專業的檢測服務。

更多關於 STC 的資訊,請瀏覽我們的網站:www.stc.group。

戴小姐 (Angel Tai)
電話:+852 2666 1813

黎先生 (Paul Lai)
電話:+852 2666 5946

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